NEOLIFE  as GNLD is known today is one of the oldest and most respected Network or Multi Level Marketing companies in the world. GNLD was formed in the late 1990’s when three diverse and successful companies were brought together under a single name and marketing philosophy.
The GNLD name is derived from the three company names.
Golden Products, a company that primarily marketed environmentally friendly personal, household and industrial cleaning products.
Neo-Life a company that primarily marketed Human Food Chain derived vitamin and mineral supplements, and Diamite a company that marketed herbal supplements. The oldest of the three Neo-Life was founded in 1958 with a revolutionary and unique grain oil extract called Tre-En-En. This product was originally packaged as a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. GNLD is regulated and governed by one of the largest and most accomplished Scientific Advisory Board in existence.
The SAB is comprised of and collaborates with leading scientists, researchers, doctors, herbalists and chemists, together they formulate and oversee the production and distribution of the entire GNLD product range. Ensuring that only the purest safest and most environmentally friendly raw materials are used in the production of the GNLD product range. The SAB also develops and oversees the facilities that extract, package, transport and store the products ensuring that the end consumer receives what they paid for with no unknown or hidden ingredients that may lead to undesirable side effects when used as directed.

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